Selling RR100 SH + RR74 SW+RR55 BW+ RR40(LVL 34) Shammy...

Discussion in 'Warhammer Online Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Warface Accounts - Buy Sell Trade, 8/9/13.

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  1. Warface Accounts - Buy Sell Trade

    High Risk Status: This user has been flagged as high risk due to one or more reasons

    RR100 SH + RR74 SW+RR55 BW+ RR40(LVL 34) Shammy RR100 SH (One of the best known SHs on K-Norn) Full Def/Off WF including Chests + extra helms with WS and buged %12 AP decrase talis) Crystal of agony on both gloves and Odjira on both Boots) Have 2 of all RR armors combinable with WF(chest with %3 crit , Belt and etc.) some with +24 WS talis some with +180 armors so you gonna be avaibe to change your build however you want when needed. RR100 both off and deff bow and spears Full Lotd Glyps + and back 3 of Lotd cloaks (Settra etc.) Stag Mantle Heralds Cloak(not sure about the name it has different CD time with LOTD one that removes a hex) All lotd tomb pockets (Melee and Magic absorb. Crook and khettup) and all tomb Weapons for SH including one spear with buged %10 crit and ranged power %5 to all stats LE item (ppl say it actually has a timer of 60d but I will show you the way to keep it forever) 600 gold Stack of Skull Whites 2 Stacks of Chaos Black to turn into gold when needed. Stunty Head Secret Cat Tavern OLd school chest ( Giant Slayer Chewtop with %6 crit ) 100 Apot/Cultv All Anniversery Entiltiments for 3 years It has amlost all the SH sets including Tyrant Sentienel Darkpromise and manymore stuff I cant write all in the bank. SW is RR74 and in full Worn Sov. 200 Apot/Cultv Settra Mirror of Chaoswastes old event item 200 gold Shammy is really a great fun on T3 atm (full anhi with 164 armor talis) wish I had some more time to play it BW has the best name for a Brighty but only rr55 in full invader and as adition I have a lvl40/rr40 Choppa with Talisman making and butchering for crafting and many other alts. P.S : Account is subed untill 5th of next month and all are in same acc. I will keep my account if I dont get any offer that really impresses me. Thanks for your attention. - - - Updated - - - Account also has 5% boosts to your weapon skill, wounds, toughness or initiative pet
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