Selling RR100 Bright Wizard 2 year veteran with alts...

Discussion in 'Warhammer Online Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Warface Accounts - Buy Sell Trade, 8/9/13.

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  1. Warface Accounts - Buy Sell Trade

    High Risk Status: This user has been flagged as high risk due to one or more reasons

    RR100 Bright Wizard 2 year veteran with alts Hello, I'm looking to sell a 2 year veteran RR100 Bright Wizard account with a few alts The account has 4,511 gold and 10,807 golden scarabs between all characters, and is Personality Pack and Drumming Bear pet enabled. RR100 Bright Wizard greater ruddy talisman 4/5 offensive wf, 4/5 defensive wf (though still unconverted) - no chestpiece but on r97 quest 5/5 offensive df full offensive sovereign r99 magic power cloak r92 magic power belt r98 chestpiece (and 3 others that are un-equipped and sellable) r100 offensive staff bugged akire (82int, 232mp, 8%crit) r98 staff LOTD magic power cloak/gem set Golden Eye of Rah-Nutt (melee absorb) Level 40 Swordmaster Level 40 Witch Hunter Level 40 Runepriest Each of the mentioned level 40 characters are fairly low rank; all below 40 except for the RP who is 46. The WH/SM are in full primeval, the RP is in sentinel. 2 stacks burning elixir 5 stacks potent lasting conflagration potion 4 stacks potent lasting molten breath potion 8 stacks lasting zephyr potion, +1 from WH 11 stacks potent draught of soothing 11 stacks captain's elxir of rejuvination 6 stacks captain's alacritous elixirs 6 stacks potent awakening draught 8 stacks potent lasting fortifying unguent 10 stacks blessed elixir of tahoth 12 stacks potent lasting warding potion Many other armors and staves for alternate appearances Asking price is $135.00 or best offer. Please feel free to message me. Thanks.
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