Sold ROTMG Pot account with 8000 GPots (1000 of each type)

Discussion in 'Realm of the Mad God Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by ROTMGRoss, 8/16/23.

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  1. ROTMGRoss

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    My Location:
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    I am selling the perfect Pot account with the following stuff:
    ->1000 Greater Attack Potions
    ->1000 Greater Defense Potions
    ->1000 Greater Dexterity Potions
    ->1000 Greater Wisdom Potions
    ->1000 Greater Speed Potions
    ->1000 Greater Vitality Potions
    ->1000 Greater Mana Potions
    ->1000 Greater Life Potions
    -> Full access to the E-Mail address (fresh created)
    -> NO security questions set -> You can log in and set them on your own!
    -> NO security configured on the e-mail account -> You get to bind the e-mail account with your phone number or with another e-mail address of yours when logging in.
    -> No gold receipes as no gold has been bought with this account.

    In total 8000 Greater potions in one account!
    You never need to collect potions again!
    You never need to pay for maxing services again!

    This account is an acount to keep for a long time and to let you use the pots whenever you need - No expiration date!!

    I have multiple of these accounts on sale.

    Payment method: Paypal F&F / Crypto

    For any questions or other pot accounts with certain pot types, please contact me.
    feel free to add me on Discord: onestump
    I can also provide you the link to my reddit vouch thread in case of doubts.

    bandicam 2023-08-14 08-18-33-454 (2).gif
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