Selling Rosal: Level 200 IOP Fully End Game PvP Geared (Rich Account)

Discussion in 'Dofus Accounts for Sale - Buy and Sell' started by Games, 2/27/15.

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  1. Games

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    I have a friend who is considering quitting because she has to study full time and will not be able to play
    once school starts again. #SeriousMode So I am helping her liquidate the account.

    Rosal: Iop's Heart

    Level: 200
    Fully Scrolled All Stats
    150+ Spell Scrolls
    120.000.000+ Kamas
    100.000.000+ In Bank Materials
    100 Tailor, 65+ Shoemaker, 70+ Jeweler, 100 Costumagus, 100 Shoemagus, 100 Jewelmagus

    Dofus: Emerald Dofus (x2), Crimson Dofus, Orchre Dofus, Ice Dofus, Turq Dofus (+20 Crit)
    Critical Resistance Overmaged Treadfast Set (All 0 or positive Crit Res)
    Exo-maged Bearbaric Set (MP Wedding Ring, AP Bearband)

    26% Fire/Water/Air/Earth Croums
    440 Vit Peki
    55% Angora (Feanor Mimi)

    Rare Pets: Toucan, Snailmate, Tatouh

    Other Details: Has another 100mk worth in various gear, a spare nomorrow set, full chance set, etc. All Living Item Sets. And a lot more.

    PM: NvA-Darkchlor on skype for details or for negotiations/offer. If you want to go by market price, it has almost 1billion kamas worth of stuff on it.
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