I don't know if this is a waste of time, but I'm trying to mess around and make it so that you don't have to be RM to change maps/kick people. Wouldn't it be cool to kick one of those jerkass RMs that talk love you to you? Or maybe you want to turn Team Kill on, so everyone in the room can go "WTF TK??? OMG". I'm looking for something in the registry and I'll let you guys know if I find anything. To all who doesn't know who this is, this is Nephry! And Yojimbo. I have a method of doing that as well as a method of exiting and entering rooms regardless of the capacity and population. For the E/ER trick: Open # Engine 5.3 (recommended due to its fixes, 5.4 is still in developement despite its release), open the rumblefighter.exe process. In the lobby, search for 0. Enter any room or make one, search 1. Exiting, searching 0; entering, searching 1 until you have a low number of addresses. Finally, enter the room, and find what accesses the address. The rest, you'll have to figure out. Hope that helped. For the RM trick: Same thing, only more time-consuming. When you're in a room, and you're not RM, search 0. When you are, search 1. Repeat this, like the above trick, and tweak the remaining low number of addresses until it takes effect. Good luck. I hope it works, haven't had the chance to test it to its full extent, yet. If it doesn't work, I'll try to fix it. It gave me a kickout button, but it doesent actually kick the person out. Hmm. This is very intersting idea. But once I glitched when I entered a room (not using # or anything) and got me being Room Master while other people said I wasn't. I couldn't ready up and got kicked due to it. I didn't try changing the maps or anything but I think I tried kicking someone but it wouldn't let me kick them. But this idea using CE (if using CE works) for kicking people out NOT being RM would be awesome. As well as changing stages :P I found that this also works for equipping/removing items. Say you have Muay. Have Muay unequiped and search 0, equip it and search 1 until you have a couple addresses(theres 2). Once you find the address, you can change them back and forth from equipped to removed, but it doesen't really equip the item. It just changes that little button with Equip/Remove on it.