Selling  Android and iOS  High End ROK1905: Boss 147M SVip - Max 50 Commanders - 72 Passports - 10 Skins

Discussion in 'Rise of Kingdoms Lost Crusade Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by MrBull, 2/17/25 at 4:40 AM.

  1. MrBull

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    - Gerrmany
    - 147M/14B Kill Points
    - SVip (2M5 Vip points remaining)
    - Max:
    + Cavalry: Hou, Nevsky, Xiang Yu, Eleanor, Attila, Chandra, William, Joan P, Justinian, Takeda, Saladin, Khan, Arthur, Cao Cao, Mina, Beli P
    + Infantry: Liu Che, Guan Yu, Scipio P, Leonidas, Harrald, Zenobia, Ragnar, WW, Alex, Pyrrhus, CM, Cons, RC
    + Archer: Zhuge Liang, Nebu, Herman P, Boudica P, YSG, Tomyris, Edward, Thutmose, El Cid
    + Other: Trajan, Theodora, Honda, Caesar, Seondeok, Ishida, Hannibal, Cleopatra, Fred, Mulan, Aethel, YSS
    - RSS: 28B
    - Speedups: 6300 days
    - 58 Gear (40 Talents; Inf: 8/8, 6/8; Cav: 8/8, 7/8, 2/8; Archer: 8/8)
    - Armaments: 30.4, 31.6, 31.9, 28.4, 29.8, 30.6
    - Inscription: Hunter x3, Balanced, Dectrustive
    - 72 Passports
    - 1985+ Gold Heads
    - 64M Credits
    - 10 Skins:
    + Age of Devotion
    + Road to the Crown
    + Melk Abbey
    + Blessings of the Gods
    + Twilight Falls
    + Battle's Bloom
    + Wat Phra Si Sanphet
    + Call of Eternity
    + Dreams of the Apkallu
    + Daedalus Dirigible

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