GC in 2s, 3s and almost 1s. Boosting to only to champ rewards to make the process fast and seamless. Completion time varies depending on what rank you start at and what rank you want rewards in. could be hours and could be a day or more depending on the amount of games I have to play. 40+ games can take some time. Pricing - Silver rewards $5 Gold rewards $8 Plat rewards $12 Diamond Rewards $16 Champ Rewards $20 Payment through paypal only Discord Jspieldog14#2612
Yo. Im in plat 2 in 2v2. How much to boost me to maybe diamond 2 or 3. If you have a smurf account you can just hop in it and play with me til im diamond 3 or so. Im on xbox. Epic id is: window tint gamertag is: sorry i had