Selling   2019  Original Owner (Yes) Roblox Account - 4.074k robux with sapphire gaze AND 600$ worth of avatar items + gamepasses

Discussion in 'Roblox Accounts for Sale - Buy / Sell Roblox Account' started by Elenacookie, 11/25/24.

  1. Elenacookie

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    I will not be a kid for much longer, and I want to let go of my roblox account to make space for new things in my life, so I am selling my main account from 2019 that I spent over 700$ dollars on. I know 700 is a lot for a video game, so I am asking for 300-400$ to take back into the real world. I have had the most amazing experience on roblox, and now it is time for me to make those dreams into a reality!

    I have 46 characters, 66 heads, 136 hairs, 57 faces, 6 3D tops, 5 3D outerwear items, 7 3D avatar bottoms, 2 shoes, 230 classic shirts, 52 t-shirts, 199 classic pants, 355 accessories, 15 emotes, and 8 animation packs; Including sapphire gaze!

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    #1 Elenacookie, 11/25/24
    Last edited: 11/25/24
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