Selling RO iro valkyrie - lvl 91/54 Lord Knight and 59/51 merchant. stat/skills resetable fre

Discussion in 'Ragnarok Online Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Games, 7/31/15.

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    Selling in Iro(valkyrie) 2 male chars with stats/skills resettable for free

    ** I have one Lord Knight lvl 91/54

    a powerful guy currently based on agility(th quicken) but can make a 17000 damage with clash spiral at the moment. good basic +4 gears with some cards(for hp rest) you can reset it to becoming a rune knight 'pure dragon breath' or another build for free

    ** A merchant 58/50 ready for 2th job it can be a pure pot alchemist or a pure forge blacksmith, whatever, you just can reset all stats on the eden group office, basic gears in all slots and a good welding mask.

    only 1mi zeny with them

    Booth them are in the same warpportal account but 2 different ragnarok accounts inside it, so i only can sell them together. I'm asking for something like $140 by paypal accepting contra-proposal .

    (will receive too the email account used only for create the warpportal ccount)

    I don't know if there is a limit time to reset the stats and skills for free you can do it right now one time per character, talking with mesmerist at the eden group with 0 weight. i have done that feww days ago in another account, you don't need reset stone /neutralizer.

    I think that its possible also transfer them to any other iro server, i read something like that in the portal news, you must check it if you want play on other server, you must be aware that valkyrie had some nice upgrades a few days ago too.

    Send me a PM if you have interest!



    BUMP, last 2 days for sell!
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