Sold Rl tibia (Antica) level 226 lvl sorcerer

Discussion in 'Tibia Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Milorad Vorguca, 11/8/21.

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  1. Milorad Vorguca

    Milorad Vorguca
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    I havent play thia game for 7 years and i decicded to sell my charachter.
    Charachter on acccounr
    1. Paladin lvl 16 On Vunira
    2. Druid lvl 30 on peloriA
    3 druid 95 lvl on Zuna
    4. Druid 43 lvl Antica
    5. Sorcererr 226 lvl on antica
    6. Knight 22 lvl antica
    7. Knight 52 lvl zuna
    8 druid lvl 9 on vunira
    9 knight 31 lvl vunira
    I dont even know what magic level i have 85++ i dont have # to log in, charachter dont have any itema i gave it away long long time ago

    Account Information
    Loyalty Title: Warden of Tibia
    Created: Feb 12 2011, 10:07:46 CET

    Account Status
    [​IMG] Free Account
    Your Premium Time expired at Sep 28 2014, 13:44:52 CEST.
    (Balance of Premium Time: 0 days)
    [email protected]
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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