Selling Ristonia acc

Discussion in 'Maplestory Private Server Accounts for Sale - Buy & Sell' started by iluvmaplestory, 5/9/21.

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  1. iluvmaplestory

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    Looking to sell my ristonia. Accepting Venmo/Zelle/Cashapp/Amazon GC

    Account comes with the following.

    -Over 55k Stat end game gear (Outlaw, Arcane, DP Accs, Superior set)
    -Over 40k DP
    -Level 265+
    -Over 35 character slots and 6k+ legion
    - Will not be sending individual photos of equips for safety reasons but will take photos of the equip tab to show the items the account comes with.
    - Has plenty of nice perm nx on it.

    Previous for sale post with tons of vouches...
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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