Rise of Civilizations Account 31M Might - VİP 13 - 31 M POWER AND - LOST OF SPEED UPS - CASTLE 25 - ALL TROOP BUİLDİNG 25 - ACADEMY 24 - WALL 25 - WATCH TOWER 24 - MINES 25 - HOSPİTALS 24 - ALMOST ALL BUİLDİNS 25 - ALMOST ALL GOLDEN COMMANDERS OPENED - RICHARD 60 LVL WILL BE FULL SKILL 5/5/2/5 GRADE - MİNAMOTO 50 LVL 2/3/5/3 - C.MARTEL 55 LVL - LOHAR 60 LVL FULL - BOUDİCA 55 LVL FULL SKILLS - SCİPİO 50+ FULL SKİLLS - BAYBARS 51 LVL FULL SKİLLS - SHUN TZU 49 LVL FULL SKİLLS - BELİSARİUS 50LVL FULL - JEANNE D'ARC 45 LVL FULL SKİLLS - OSMAN 32 LVL FULL SKİLLS - HERMAN 30 LVL 5/5/5/4 - CAO CAO 46 LVL 5/3/2/1 - EULJİ 32 LVL FULL SKİLLS - KUSUNOKİ 32 LVL FULL SKİLLS - PELAGİUS 30 LVL 5/5/5/3 cost of the account: 350$ Payment Methods: -Paypal -Gift card Amazon ( only American dollars ) Before asking for the account specify the "Might" of the same in the discord or gmail, thank you. how to contact me GMAIL: [email protected] DISCORD: Isabella Sullan#4824
be careful, this guy stole me 250$. We went through Paypal and no news after payment. I need teams intervention please.
[trigger]Guide - How To Report A Dispute Automated Response If someone you believe has scammed you, please open a Dispute Form Here. Filing a report takes 2 minutes and will then provide us the necessary information to take action against the individual and assist you at resolving the dispute. Thank you for your cooperation on this matter and sorry to hear about the problems you experienced. .[/trigger] [trigger=by]For: Jihell Re: #2[/trigger]