Rift account for sale. 1 Rogue lvl 65 raid Tank/DPS ready 1050 hit, 1 Cleric lvl 65 Raid ready DPS/Heals 1000 hit. 1 Mage lvl 60, Tons of mounts plus Shark mount, Account is Orange tier and half way to Red Tier. Account is patron and member of raid guild. Rogue and Cleric is the mains with full bank slots full bag slots and all with 28+ bags a couple 30 slot bags. This is a LOADED ACCOUNT it comes with Dozens of mounts minions and highest achievement score plus a high amount of artifacts collected over 799 sets collected. Also worlds top #1 in Dungeon clears plus Dungeon Hero Achievement Nightmare tide which comes with the Dungeon Portrait which not many people can get. This account also has the $150.00 Xpac included which mentioned already comes with the Shark mount plus reusable nightmare black dye plus reusable dream orb. This is a once in a life time deal here. I am looking to Sell my account. Only serious offers please. Asking $1,500.00 USD