RIDONKULOUS EMEI Account- Red Phoenix

Discussion in 'Age of Wushu Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Facebook, 8/6/14.

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    Hi there everyone!

    I am selling my very sexy Emei character on the Red Phoenix Server. Here are the details:

    1st internal- 30/ 2nd internal 32 (Training to 33)

    Rosy Cloud set almost maxed to 5

    Twin stings set almost all skills maxed to 5

    Palm set not really touched except the shield


    Flying Horse lvl 2

    Circle The Moon 2

    Leisure kick ultimate!!! lvl 4


    Almost complete Bone Corrosion set

    Almost complete Taichi set

    Complete Breeze sword set with the rage trained to 4

    Yangyang store bought set


    Artisan Tailor with almost all gold recipes

    2 Ding UNBOUND

    450 L bound

    Mixture of scripts, recipes and other misc stuff in the bank.

    Key Stats from gear alone!!

    Stamina- 63

    Breath- 52

    Spirit- 16

    I have put alot of money into this account making her a very tough nut to crack. I am asking for $300 USD via paypal and unless you have higher rep on THIS site then I do you will be going first. Its best to contact me through skype AFTER you post here. Lowball offers will simply be ignored, and I am not interested in ANY trades whatsoever!!! Skype info is SORAMASCEO

    Hi, can I only buy the ding.

    if you can sell it, please contact me.

    My skype:


    Not selling ding seperately.

    Bump- Still looking at offers folks. PM me or hit me up on skype under soramasceo

    Bump- Still accepting reasonable offers on here or through Skype. Unbound money is now at 4 Ding thanks to some sales of items.

    Bump- Still have this account for sale. Currently training 3rd internal at this time!

    Bump- Dropping buyout price to 250. Hit me up.


    - - - Updated - - -

    3rd internal is currently at lvl 8 and enough certs as of right now to get up to the teens somewhere. Unbound ding is up to 5d total

    Unbound ding up to 6 ding total and bone corrosion set is now complete!!

    how much does Horse/Circle cost on red phoenix?

    Horse goes for 6-9d depending on market and circle goes for 3-4d


    Still up for sale. 3rd inner is now at 13 and unbound money is now up to 7 ding which by itself is valued at 210 dollars!!! Skype me under soramasceo to get this awesome Emei account today.

    Will also consider selling the unbound money ONLY if you purchase all 7 ding at once, and only at the rate of $25 per ding. (cheaper then snails rate)

    Bump- still looking at reasonable offers for all of the ding OR the account +ding. Skype me under soramasceo.

    Dropping buyout to 175 WITH all of the ding!!

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