RFC2? Spooted?

Discussion in 'Rumble Fighter Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Games, 9/9/14.

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  1. Games

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    I have a question, Is spooted still active here at ? I remember I paid for RFC1 and it was sucessful but as soon as that got patched I messaged him continuously on MSN to verify my HWID so I can get RFC2 and he never responded.. I was promised updates when I purchased , I see him online alot but he never responds.. Can anyone answer this?

    Ask Luig.

    He says he is.

    Ughh Spooted ditched his customers and doesnt care about RFC anymore

    Well I'm honestly not that surprised

    His selling point was carat # and exp # and now it's public........

    Never trust an individual who promises updates, because whenever they

    are done with the game you aren't getting anything from them anymore.

    Originally Posted by xxvx2xx

    Never trust an individual who promises updates, because whenever they

    are done with the game you aren't getting anything from them anymore.

    So very true, JDBoy kinda left everyone after he quit. I paid a legit $10 in astros :p

    Well actually on the RFD website it now says "There is a chance RFD will be back in the summer." Let's HOPE that this is true!
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