Selling Retiring from the game, selling: TWO 4/7 Obi Wan...

Discussion in 'Star Wars Force Collection Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Ricky Gnar, 8/20/15.

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  1. Ricky Gnar

    Ricky Gnar
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    Retiring from the game, selling: TWO 4/7 Obi Wan (JM) sk40 $200 EACH OBO 4/7 Obi Wan (VC) sk40 $150 OBO 4/7 Old QGJ $30 Willing to sell my entire account lvl86 10million credits, 121crystals, more details if interested, would sell for $700 OBO 1) PM me for a purchase. I'll give you my PayPal email and my SWFC ID-No. 2) I’ll send the trade - so you can make sure that I have got the cards. 3) Go to PayPal. Select the tab "Send Money." 4) Enter my PayPal Email address. 5) Enter the amount for your purchase. 6) Select the option "I'm sending money to: Family or Friends." 7) Enter the comment: "I am sending for a virtual item. I understand that this transaction is non-refundable/non-returnable." 8) Message me when you have sent the money and then accept the trade request (just return some crap card). 9) I'll check my PayPal to confirm the payment. 10) I'll finally accept the trade after payment has been received.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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