Pending Resolve for "High Risk" badge

Discussion in 'Help - Ask Support Questions' started by Jas_Clash, 11/29/16.

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  1. Jas_Clash

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    High Risk Status: User has been flagged by the system for one or more reasons. Proceed with caution.

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    Hi, I'm writing this to give the reasons why the "High Risk" badge should be taken off of my account. Like any other user on this website, I am trying to sell a game account, specifically Clash of Clans. I've never cheated anyone on this website, spammed, cyber bullied, or harassed anyone. I made my account about a month ago and I am just getting around to selling my account after finalizing some things. The high risk badge looks very bad on my profile to someone who might be interested in buying it. I am using a middle man, respond with in 24 hours, and I am selling my account pretty cheap for how high it is. I am bored of a game I once loved and I am just trying to get rid of it while earning a little. I have never talked with anyone on this website besides maybe once or twice asking about their accounts, so I haven't been reported for anything that I'm aware of. Please reason with me and remove this from my account. I will do anything to get rid of my account on this website and I'm afraid this badge will disable me from doing that. I look forward to a response, please do respond! Thanks!

    - Jas
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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