Sold Repost because I rushed my other one and forgot details: TRADING physical for virtual!! I...

Discussion in 'Webkinz Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by /u/thebattleangel99, 2/23/25 at 1:12 AM.

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  1. /u/thebattleangel99

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    Trading for equal / fair value in the cost of the physical pets. I am looking for pet codes and or items on my ISO! This could include payment that would cover the cost of me buying pet codes or items from sellers if you don’t have the codes / items.

    The Wildlife Odd Holiday just started so if anybody would be interested in a trade where I can get 2 lovely leopard and 1 porcupine pet codes, let me know!

    But I have lots of other ISOs for pet codes and items!

    Due to this being a physical for virtual trade, I require the virtual part of the trade to be sent first.

    I am a trusted seller and trader, and keep a long list of ALL my previous sales and trades on my Instagram. in a highlight called “PROOF.”

    You’ll also find my virtual pet ISOs on there! It’s not been updated but that can be discussed in PM. There’s only a few I haven’t yet crossed off. I’m working on updating it.

    The deer has a reburbished code, meaning it has an original code tag and an unused code, but the code inside was purchased and written overtop the old code. The lionfish and the reindeer both have unused codes. The others do not have codes but all in great condition!

    # #/thebattleangel99
    # .
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