About the account: I am Original owner. Got recent receets. Almost 200 days left of members. Ready for completionist grind. Has all pvm auras, all max tier vyrewatch afk prayer auras. 4b+ bank Assassin walk used (worth 7b+ and rising) Greater ricochet Greater Barge Mutate Flurry Dragon, Demon, Undead slayer sigils and more! All T99 prayers Multible biting 4 perks(combination ones) over half of 200m archeology artefacts banked! (approx week of grind for the other half) Discontinued item: Battle ships OG Skeleton outfit 3 letter name with space.(not random gibberish) 20 skilling pets 2 legendary pets 15 keepsake keys few hundred cosmetics Sale reason, accomplished my max level cap goal, cba to pvm. Screens Imgur: The magic of the Internet ONLY PAYMENT METHODS I ACCEPT: Wise (instant bank transfer from anywhere in the world) l>>800$<<l Middleman service = Costs more, since fee+wait time and other delay issues can occur. Some prepaid cards Account after payment in non middleman transactions. Scammers don't even bother. No time wasters. Discord MushrooM#2127