Hello! I am selling my WARRANT 4 Account as I no longer use it. (( I also have a very good WARRANT 5 account for sale for the same reason, please see that listing in another thread )) WARRANT 4 Account total value is at bottom of this listing. This account contains: ALL TURRETS: ************ Twins M1------value = 35100 Crystals Firebird M1----value = 7100 Crystals Freeze M1-----value = 22600 Crystals Smoky M1-----value = 11000 Crystals Thunder M1---value = 38600 Crystals Isida M0-------value = 300 Crystals Hammer M0---value = 350 Crystals Ricochet M0---value = 400 Crystals Striker M0-----value = 600 Crystals Vulcan M0-----value = 450 Crystals Railgun M0----value = 500 Crystals Magnum M0---value = 650 Crystals Shaft M0------value = 550 Crystals Turrets Total Value = 118200 Crystals ALL HULLS: ********** Hornet M1-----value = 23100 Crystals Viking M1------value = 19300 Crystals Titan M1-------value = 6000 Crystals Hunter M1-----value = 29900 Crystals Wasp M0-------value = 100 Crystals Dictator M0----value = 300 Crystals Mammoth M0--value = 500 Crystals Hulls Total Value = 49300 Crystals SUPPLIES: ********* Repair kits = 6-----------value = 900 Crystals Double Armor = 182-----value = 9100 Crystals Double Damage = 104---value = 5200 Crystals Speed Boost = 250-------value = 12500 Crystals Mines = 136---------------value = 6800 Crystals Supplies Total Value = 34500 Crystals PAINTS: ******* Holiday---------value = 0 Crystals In Love---------value = 55000 Crystals Jaguar----------value = 300000 Crystals Chainmail-------value = 35000 Crystals Desert----------value = 4500 Crystals Blue-------------value = 10 Crystals Green-----------value = 0 Crystals Paints Total Value = 394510 Crystals PROTECTION MODULES: ******************* Zero-----------------value = 0 Crystals Badger T-B M1------value = 30000 Crystals Badger T-D M1------value = 30000 Crystals Lion T-D M1---------value = 30000 Crystals Grizzly T-B M1------value = 30000 Crystals Protection Total Value = 120000 Crystals CRYSTALS available to spend: 241686 ************************************************************** ***TOTAL ACCOUNT VALUE = 958196 CRYSTALS = about USD $270.00***** ************************************************************** An excellent and cheap account for just $59 to buy with confidence. Saves you about 3-4 months of playtime and saves you about $210 spending. Feel free to ask any account related questions. Buy Now With MIDDLEMAN - Click the banner/button below! -Tank Seller Click here to BUY----------------------->
Protect Yourself With PlayerUp Middleman Services Buyers Guide Sellers Guide Click Here To Generate A Buy Now Link
Protect Yourself With PlayerUp Middleman Services Buyers Guide Sellers Guide Click Here To Generate A Buy Now Link