Sold Reliable account rental Long-term cooperation.

Discussion in ' Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by AndreyWebDevTop, 11/28/20.

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  1. AndreyWebDevTop

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    Hello, friends.

    I am looking for reliable partners of professionals for business on freelancer. com.

    I have been working in this field for several years.
    I have a lot of experience working on this site.
    Together, we can create an account of any level.
    I have experience passing video checks to create a top account.
    Of course, I promise full support and access to the account during our cooperation.
    I rent a quality VPS for my clients. I provide round-the-clock access and guarantee successful verification if the account is frozen.
    This is called a business approach, I need serious guys. I pay for a high-quality VPS and if in a month a person can't pay me money for rent, and I bear the costs, I don't need such people.
    If you're new, I don't need you. - only professional.
    I can also create PPH/ FIVERR/ GURU/ TOPTAL/ WORKANA/ # accounts for you without any problems. If you need it. Payment terms in this case are negotiated separately, by agreement

    To contact me, email me on Skype live:.cid.8579af1cbc31f5b0

    Thank You for your attention!
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