[Release] Voucher:Totem of Nulgath (Glitched Room) for carbon (Requires non-member-voucher)

Discussion in 'Mia Online Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by pingu sohan, 12/8/16.

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  1. pingu sohan

    pingu sohan
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    Since the previous bot of woods didn't allow botting in a glitched room in carbon, i thought of making this one, which is the updated version of that. Also, woods' bot used to stop attacking as it used to join citadel every time it went to the bottom of the bot, so this joins citadel only if you are in battleon and have a non-mem voucher with you, thus making it more efficient.

    1x Voucher of Nulgath (non-mem)
    Carbon 1.8
    An AoE class that gives a good HoT (maybe Shaman)

    Use the Reject all drops and put these there:
    Essence of Nulgath
    Totem of Nulgath
    Gem of Nulgath
    You need to start this bot from battleon or citadel (m22) for it to work.
    • Remember, this bot DOESN'T GLITCH THE ROOM, so you have to manually glitch Tercessuinotlim-99724 and only 99724, for which you can take advantage of the cell grabber and type /join tercessuinotlim--99724 in the portal room(m22) of citadel.
      Actually, you can start it from any tercessuinotlim above 1001 which is glitched, but if you get DC'd, then it would automatically send you to 99724.So, if you want to use the bot in a glitched room other than 99724, start the bot only after you're in the room after glitching it and make sure you are in the cell m2.

    Once you have 61, 62 or 100 essences, it sends you to the cell Boss(where you click nulgath), and waits till the packet is turned in.So, if the bot misses at the 61 or 62 essences, don't worry, it would still send you at 100 essences.

    And for the spt file, anything b/w 25000-50000 works fine, but I recommend you to use 30000ms. Just load, set the timer and spam.
    This will also include a packet for the gems, so once you have the totems you need, you can start with the gems with the same bot.

    Also, don't forget to set the custom skills before starting the bot.(in the bot manager, not the autobot's options)

    Good Luck! Also, check every 3-4 hours if you got DC'd and got sent to another room(Please use auto-re-log only in the bot manager, not the one in options).
    And if you notice that you have more than 2 essences (excluding 40) and are thus stuck in Boss cell, Just join the cell m2.

    Virus Scans:
    1. virusscan.org
    2. virustotal.com

    /approve please @Hunter
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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