Updated trainer for TU23. Thanks to @JerryIsReal for the workaround of value protection, now timescale and movement speed work. Someone asked me to try skipping rounds by changing every gobblegum to Round Robbin', I tried and this method works. I changed the following gobblegums to "round_robbin": always_done_swiftly stock_option in_plain_sight arsenal_accelerator danger_closest To skip round faster set timescale to 15 or 20 and freeze zombies (don't disable zombies spawn or AI otherwise you can't use the gobblegum). The gobblegum replacer works only if you have disabled ASLR with EMET, there are some tutorials in this thread: http://www.playerup.com/forum/showthread...1#post12813313 Virus Scans: Scan 1 Scan 2 If you want to make a donation click here: Donate BTC: 33hee4G8B9DqPg8MEsib9Xojvtgwa1WAF1 Downloadable Files http://www.playerup.com/forum/mpghv2/attach/zip.gif BO3 Zombie Trainer 1.4.0_mpgh.net.zip [Download and Thanks] (148.9 KB)