Hello playerup Today i will make my first release here of my own # MLG Doge Yea iam new and yes its made with tuts from youtube. But it is undetected!!! Features: Glow ESP, Bunnyhop, Triggerbot, No Flash. The code is made in C# and is fully external How to use: 1. Download the zip. 2. Unzip. 3. Start CSGO 4. Run the .exe Note: Make sure the DLL is in the same folder as the .exe Screenshot imgur(.)com/a/4PioC Iam gonna update this a soon as i can just a version 1.0 Credits: playerup Community Maker of VAMemory HazzardEditDownloadable Files https://www.playerup.com/forum/mpghv2/attach/rar.gif MLG Doge CSGO Hack_mpgh.net.rar [Download and Thanks] (14.1 KB)