Hello u gone have to use it Carfully anyway it will be patched soonCode: #include <Windows.h> void WriteOpCode(void* pvAddress, void* pvBuffer, size_t len) { if (*(BYTE*)pvAddress == *(BYTE*)pvBuffer) return; memcpy((void*)pvAddress, (void*)pvBuffer, len); } DWORD WINAPI dwMain(LPVOID lpArg) { WriteOpCode((PBYTE)0x40A951, (PBYTE)"\xEB\x67", 2); //Prevents Battyeye From Loading WriteOpCode((PBYTE)0x40AD6A, (PBYTE)"\xE9\xBF\x00\x00\x00", 5); //Disables Error Message " initialize failed." MessageBoxA(0, "=={ Created By SorryKid }==\n\nCredits to:\AnnomuesBS", "Battyleye Bypassed!", 0); return true; } BOOL WINAPI DllMain(HMODULE hDll, DWORD dwReason, LPVOID lpReserved) { if (dwReason == DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH) CreateThread(NULL, NULL, dwMain, NULL, NULL, NULL); return TRUE; } u Have to find your own way to playerup it or just use cheat engine to disable it