[Release] Steam Games' Hour Booster

Discussion in 'Hawk Freedom Squadron Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Zachary, 3/16/17.

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  1. Zachary

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    - Supports multiple account
    - Auto reconnect
    - Boost hours up to 30 games per account
    - No disruption from game play (You can login to the account and play, the bot will just stop and reconnect later)

    How to use:
    1) Download the attachment and unzip it
    2) Run SingleBoostr/HourBoostr
    - SingleBoostr supports only one account. (PC must have Steam installed)
    - HourBoostr supports multiple accounts. (PC does not require Steam)
    3) Enter in Username and Password and add the app id.
    4) Start boosting

    - You can run it off your current PC and use it to boost your games' hours.
    - You can also rent a Windows VPS to run this. (24/7)


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    Credits: Ezzpify

    Downloadable Files
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