[Release] Stable Totem of Nulgath Bot

Discussion in 'Mia Online Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Biney, 9/27/16.

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  1. Biney

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    The reason I created this is because all of the other advanced totem bots for Carbon and Cetera do not work for me. There is always something that screws everything up. Especially since my connection drops occasionally.
    If that's your case, then try this bot.

    Note: this is supposed to be used with our old reliable Le Bot.


    A good farming class (Blaze Binder recommended)
    2 free bag spaces for Essence of Nulgath and Totem of Nulgath
    Voucher of Nulgath (non-mem)

    This is what the bot does:

    Joins citadel
    Joins tercess
    Moves to cell m1, kills the makais.|
    Moves to cell m2, kills the makais.| ------------------ This part is looped 30 times
    Moves to cell m3, kills the makais.|
    Moves to cell m4, kills the makais.|
    Moves to cell Enter.
    Turns in the quest.
    Picks up the totem.

    It picks up the essences occasionally. The reason I move between m1-m4 is because I've found that it is faster than waiting for them to respawn in one cell.
    The bot is also rather fast, I got 6 totems in 6 hours.

    Virus scans:

    Thanks to @woods_879 for the quest completion packet.

    Downloadable Files
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