[Release] Simple Radar (Not Using m_bSpotted) (EzRadar)

Discussion in 'Hawk Freedom Squadron Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Foxxy Boxxy, 12/22/16.

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  1. Foxxy Boxxy

    Foxxy Boxxy
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    *UPDATED CHEAT AS OF 8:06 PM EST 12/21/2016* (Right after update to CSGO)

    Let me start off with I am by no means a good cheat coder but I am a high school student doing sine cos and tan in math class.

    This is a simple radar that I coded using enemy players coords and my coords.
    It uses the VAMemory library to RPM

    The radar is streamer friendly so if you set OBS or Xsplit to record your game (not monitor) the viewers can't see the radar.

    Players on your team are blue and enemy are orange (I'm red-green colorblind or I would have done red-green)

    If radar is disabled and you press * above numpad it will set the "center" position of the radar.

    Known Issues:
    -- Flicker
    fix : limit game to 60fps (its already DB)

    -- Crash if dots go to far off your screen can cause memory overflow
    fix : lower radar size bc I'm dumb and don't know how to fix

    This radar specifically designed to make the user not get overwatched; it is coded so the user only has an approximate location of the enemy. Unlike an ESP that can get users overwatched if they accidentally look at someone through a wall.

    Demo video:

    Screen Shot(If you're to lazy to click play):

    Virus Scans (CHANGED NAME RIGHT B4 UPLOAD TO playerup YOU CAN SCAN IT TO PROVE(It's not packed or crypted so you can decompile) :


    Compile from source here: http://www.playerup.com/forum/showthread.php?t=1205323

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