Selling Mr22 Legendary Account For a limited time I will be selling a godly warframe account, allow me to tell you what it possesses. 1- Every Warframe and Its prime variant, all max ranked and formaed (Except for Nidus). This includes: Ash Ash Prime Atlas Banshee Chroma Ember Ember Prime Equinox Excalibur Frost Frost Prime Hydroid Inaros Ivara Limbo Loki Loki Prime Mag Mag Prime Mesa Mirage Nekros Nekros Prime Nidus Nezha Nova Nova Prime Nyx Nyx Prime Oberon Rhino Rhino Prime Saryn Saryn Prime Titania Trinity Trinity Prime Valkyr Valkyr Prime Vauban Vauban Prime Volt Volt Prime Wukong Zephyr -Every regular weapon and its prime variant as well as every syndicate weapon (Except for Red Veil). Listing all these weapons off would be tedious so I will trust you to look into the wiki if you have questions, comments, concerns. -3700 platinum that you can use for your own customizing and trading, even change your IGN -Every Companion including the rare Gift of the Lotus Kubrow -Almost all corrupted mods in the game, perfect for making that right build for a certain warframe or weapon -All limited time Color Palettes and skins (Halloween, Christmas, Fourth of Juily, ETC). -Every quest completed (Including The War Within) and able to be redone for your own enjoyment -Complete access to login information so you can change your password any time (If you do not know how I will be sure to guide you on this act) -And More!! The person who is has worked hard into this account and has decided to sell it does not want it to fall into the wrong hands, thats why he has trusted me as a trusted seller to sell the account for her. We both want to make sure we can negotiate a successful trade off and have the same endgame. The pricing will start at $175 but the lowest I will go is 150. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, you can contact me or the owner of the account at [email protected] (That is both her email and Skype). This is just the just of it if you want to add more to make it your format then go ahead some screenshots might be OUTDATED but still shows what the account has : if you want to contact me on skype : if you want to contact the account owner :