Sold [Release] Selling High MR Account

Discussion in 'Warframe Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Paralyze Jr., 1/15/17.

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  1. Paralyze Jr.

    Paralyze Jr.
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    My old motherboard died on me while I was gathering parts for my new PC build so I'm forced to sell something in order to get my new build running as soon as possible.

    My Skype is Soklast1

    I have a MR 21 (might be 22? I haven't checked in a minute) account with every prime warframe except Valkyr and Excalibur. (Vauban prime is almost ready, you need less than half the odium to finish building his 7k oxium piece.

    Has most end game weapons and mods except the acolyte mods. Over 120k endo.

    I have no pictures as I can't access my computer but I will use a middleman if you desire. Who can hold the account and verify the details.

    Looking for at least enough to buy my next cpu as this account is an end game account with over 10k plat in built items, warframe equipment and mods.

    Current plat and credits unknown. Has secura lecta, chroma and the mods required to credit farm.

    Skype: Soklast1
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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