Today i am releasing Team ESP for BlackShot SEA There is only a DLL File so please look for a Injector that is UNDETECTED! Work on both Windows 32-bit and 64-bit [Features] Team ESP Only [Hotkeys] - Team ESP [F1] [Tutorial] - Download the DLL and Injector - Open Injector - playerup DLL - Enjoy [WARNING] Some Injectors Are DETECTED! Like Extreme Injector and many more [Credits] randy2379,BSHZ https www virustotal com pt file 86f90b7b6e36b8c27fb3d6f1e5a398e19e56c6ca8b36c1abd6 54048747a5c004/analysis/1495085078/ https virusscan jotti org pt-BR filescanjob 1h4ho0vsh0 Use at your OWN risk And Enjoy Hacking! Downloadable Files [Download and Thanks] (9.8 KB)