Description: ReShade Xhair is a shader for ReShade 3.0+ which draws a crosshair over CS:GO or any other game both in windowed and fullscreen mode. ReShade itself is a post-processing injector mostly known for SweetFX library running on its basis. ReShade is VAC safe and hopefully it will never change. As a bonus I've included the image adjustment settings for ReShade I personally use, e.g. vibrance, lumasharpen, curves etc. Usage: - Download ReShade from its official site - Run ReShade installer and extract d3d9.dll - Put d3d9.dll and files from ReShadeXhair.rar (and Bonus.rar if you wish) to Counter-Strike Global Offensive\bin - Run the game, press ScrollLock and activate Xhair.fx (yeah, and effects from Bonus.rar if you wish too) Demo: Screenshot: VirusScans: ReShadeXhair.rar: VirusTotal, Jotti Bonus.rar: VirusTotal, Jotti Download and Thanks: Downloadable Files [Download and Thanks] (12.2 KB) [Download and Thanks] (7.9 KB)