Credit: Wazzaby This LUA script renders all guns to no-recoil mode and leave it with little spread. Even Buck's AR got absolute no recoil Originally Wazzaby was code it in AHK, but due to BattlEye has banned AHK user so I took the code and change it to Logitech LUA for Logitech user. Function: Use "Scroll Lock" to activate/deactivate the code. (SCRLOCK light on = Activate / off = Deactivate) Code: EnablePrimaryMouseButtonEvents(true); function OnEvent(event, arg) if IsKeyLockOn("scrolllock" )then if IsMouseButtonPressed(1) then repeat MoveMouseRelative(3,0) Sleep(1) MoveMouseRelative(-3,0) Sleep(1) MoveMouseRelative(3,10) Sleep(1) MoveMouseRelative(0,10) Sleep(1) MoveMouseRelative(-3,-10) Sleep(1) MoveMouseRelative(0,-10) Sleep(1) until not IsMouseButtonPressed(1) end end end TIPS: Equip compensator to your gun and change in-game mouse sensivity to 11 for maximum effect, higher than that may cause more spread and unstable recoil.