Om18's Triggerbot Version 1.1 Features: .json config file How-to Make sure you have installed .net framework 4.5 or greater [OPTIONAL] Edit the .json file to configure the # [OPTIONAL (tho strongly recommended)] Obscufate the # (I tested ConfuserEx) Run the .exe file as admin Start csgo. You will hear a beep, once it is ready Settings: Code: "triggerbot": { "enabled": "1", -- 0 to disable (why do you even start it, if you disable it in the config ?) "pre_shoot_time_min_first": "250", -- min time before shooting at a new target "pre_shoot_time_max_first": "300", -- max time before shooting at a new target "pre_shoot_time_min": "1", -- min time before shooting at an already attacked target "pre_shoot_time_max": "3", -- min time before shooting at an already attacked target "hold_down_time_min": "1", -- min time that the left mouse button is hold "hold_down_time_max": "2", -- max time that the left mouse button is hold "post_shoot_time_min": "0", -- min time after firing a shoot "post_shoot_time_max": "10", -- max time after firing a shoot "loop_time": "1", -- time between every loop (setting this to 0 might cause FPS drops) "use_key":"1", -- 0 to always trigger | 1 to only trigger while key_code is pressed "key_code":"0x12" -- Virtual Keycode of the Trigger key (default: ALT) } Virus scans: Version 1.0 .zip file virustotal .com /#/file/ac4095bd1156186fbae60da6d4523bd7a25ea03aea0ecfd15f fba8a6e8366ff9/detection virus scan . jotti .org /en-US/filescanjob/j81eamqywr .exe file alone virustotal . com /#/file/2d20f3719443fe8147c72406e36a9df468de37b76efd3754a7 e076f0af4210d4/detection virus scan . jotti . org /en-US/filescanjob/1ru85q9tsa Version 1.1 .zip file virustotal . com/#/file/1f8bf18d8278772dba3ae310cd79f3710f83ad936cfc072920 02eff9295f4842/detection virusscan . jotti . org/en-US/filescanjob/yyw0mt5rls .exe file virustotal . com/#/file/a9ee711b25ab576d19fc83720a5072d1ea99dfe3f3efa77dd5 597e55bcc2a1a6/detection virusscan . jotti . org/en-US/filescanjob/rh12gffea1 Screenshot: i . imgur . com / 4Mf4BSp.jpg Gif: www . soontm . net /ftp/image/2017-10-13%2022-45-33.mp4 Due to the nature of this public #, it might get detected at any time. Use at your own risk. (Sry Mods, i f*** up my first Topic, i wanted to preview, but accidentally pressed "Submit")