Just a simple pHake for you normies, enjoy. The # was made for just HvH in unsecured servers, maybe I should've explained that to all of you If you have a problem with me posting a pasted HvH # then just dont post anything below. Virus Total www/(dot) virustotal (dot) com/#/file/c6b510a7c47c506fddd5349eb20f7dc561fa6cc2752fac12c7 50ada9e83415dc/detection Screenshots RageBot - https :// imgur . com/a/gg8uG Visuals - https: //imgur . com/a/b48is Misc - https: // imgur . com/a/7YKT4 Downloadable Files https://www.playerup.com/forum/mpghv2/attach/rar.gif notapaste.cc_mpgh.net.rar [Download and Thanks] (84.2 KB)