Here's my first release of a simple ESP Glow. Nothing special and no other features. With a click of a key, it'll turn on. Steps: 1. Find a game. (Works in match-making, can't test it on Faceit) 2. Open NatalityESP.exe 3. Press F1 to toggle ESP Glow. FAQs: Can I get VAC Banned because of this? Of course, this is a public release, this isn't a private cheat. Although, having it detected as early as 20 hours is unlikely. To be extra safe, don't go further than that after approval. Does it work on Match-making? Yes. Why is there only an ESP Feature. I'm still learning. I don't want to give a dangerous release for the community. PS: It's important to find a game first before opening the cheat, there are times that it crashes CS:GO when it's opened on the menu. Screenshot VirusTotal: Files [Download and Thanks] (14.5 KB)