VIDEO: IMAGE: ---[Aimbot]--- Rage/Legit With (Fov) Weapons: Rifles / Pistols / Snipers - With (Fov) Aimspot Smooth SleepTime ---[Glow]--- Glow: Enemy Players / Glow Players / Weapons / Bomb / Grenades ---[Modelcolor]--- It's Like Chams: (for Players / Bomb / Grenades) ---[Trigger]--- Hitbox -or- InCross ---[Misc]--- Bhop Nohands 3D -Third Person- Radar Noflash: (With Settings: 0 to 100) ---[Knifechanger]--- With All knives Model: 5 (5 = M9 Bayonet) ---[Skins]--- Change Skins From Settings For Weapons & Knives How to use: When you download the file You Should Read "ReadMe.Txt" Scan: