[Release] Kiss the Void bot for Grimoire 1.9 (tendurr buyback)

Discussion in 'Mia Online Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Seenpai, 11/14/17.

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  1. Seenpai

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    Hi guys use this bot to farm Blood Gem of the Archfiend. Sorry this bot use /lair to farm fragment of chaos.

    1. must have Tendurrr the Assistant pet atleast once.
    2. You can modify the skill list, default skill is Shaman.
    3. Glitch the /lair and /evilwarnul for faster farming of items.
    4. If you can access /blindingsnow you can modify the commands to change it to /blindingsnow.
    5. if you experience some bugs like your character is just standing or anything, just restart the application (not the bot) it will run smoothly again.
    6. must enable auto relogin for the buyback function.

    virus scan(sorry for the past thread)
    virus total
    Jotti malware scan

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