[Release] Internal/External Customizable Multi-# |AIMBOT + TRIGGERBOT + ESP + BHOP|

Discussion in 'Hawk Freedom Squadron Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by gerassss, 12/23/16.

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  1. gerassss

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    This cheat is already public and used by a lot of users, i decided to post it here also giving full credits, that's a copy/paste of all informations that you need to know:

    : Puddin Poppin (THE ORIGINAL CREATOR) Thank you
    ActivationKey(int) - VirtualKey code of button that activates the aimbot
    EnableFire(1 or 0) - Enable/disable auto firing when the aimbot is active(only full auto weapons).
    EnableRandomPitchRecoilReductionFactor(1 or 0) - Enable/disable a random value to be generated and used as recoil reduction for recoil on the pitch axis
    EnableRandomYawRecoilReductionFactor(1 or 0) - Enable/disable a random value to be generated and used as recoil reduction for recoil on the yawaxis
    EnableTimeout(1 or 0) - Enable/disable a timeout in milliseconds for the aimbot
    Enabled(1 or 0) - Enable/disable the aimbot entirely
    IgnoreShotCount(int) - The number of shots before the aimbot is activated
    MaxRandomPitch(float, 2.0 for perfect compensation) - The maximum value for randomly generated pitch axis recoil reduction
    MaxRandomYaw(float, 2.0 for perfect compensation) - The maximum value for randomly generated yaw axis recoil reduction
    MinRandomPitch(float, 2.0 for perfect compensation) - The minimum value for randomly generated pitch axis recoil reduction
    MinRandomYaw(float, 2.0 for perfect compensation) - The minimum value for randomly generated yaw axis recoil reduction
    TargetJumpingPlayers(1 or 0) - Enable/disable the targeting of jumping players
    SmoothPercent(float, 1 to 99) - The percentage of how smooth the aimbot should aim
    StaticPitch(float, 2.0 for perfect compensation) - A static value for pitch axis recoil reduction
    StaticYaw(float, 2.0 for perfect compensation) - A static value for yaw axis recoil reduction
    TargetBone(int) - The index of which bone of the playermodel the aimbot should aim at
    Timeout(int) - The time in milliseconds that the aimbot is active for before timing out

    ActivationKey(int) - VirtualKey code of button that activates the triggerbot
    EnableTimeout(1 or 0) - Enable/disable a timeout in milliseconds for the triggerbot
    Enabled (1 or 0) - Enable/disable the triggerbot entirely
    FirstShotDelay(int) - The delay in milliseconds before the first shot is fired
    FollowUpDelay(int) - The delay in milliseconds between each shot
    Timeout(int) - The time in milliseconds that the triggerbot is active for before timing out

    DrawEnemyBones(1 or 0, NOT YET IMPLEMENTED) - Enable/disable the drawing of enemy skeleton
    DrawEnemyBox(1 or 0) - Enable/disable the drawing of enemy box
    DrawEnemyHealthBar(1 or 0) - Enable/disable the drawing of enemy healthbar
    DrawEnemyNameText(1 or 0) - Enable/disable the drawing of enemy name
    DrawEnemySnapLines (1 or 0) - Enable/disable the drawing of enemy snaplines
    DrawFriendlyBones(1 or 0, NOT YET IMPLEMENTED) - Enable/disable the drawing of friendly skeleton
    DrawFriendlyBox(1 or 0) - Enable/disable the drawing of friendly box
    DrawFriendlyHealthBar(1 or 0) - Enable/disable the drawing of friendly healthbar
    DrawFriendlyNameText(1 or 0) - Enable/disable the drawing of friendly name
    DrawFriendlySnapLines(1 or 0) - Enable/disable the drawing of friendly snaplines
    DrawRecoilMarker(1 or 0) - Enable/disable the drawing of recoil crosshair
    EnableTargetBoneHighlight(1 or 0, NOT YET IMPLEMENTED) - Enable/disable the highlight of the currently targeted enemy skeleton
    EnableTargetBoxHighlight(1 or 0) - Enable/disable the highlight of currently targeted enemy box
    EnableTargetSnapLineHighlight(1 or 0) - Enable/disable the highlight of currently targeted enemy snapline
    Enabled (1 or 0) - Enable/disable the esp entirely
    EnemyBoxColor(ARGB Color) - The color of enemy box
    EnemyBoxLineWidth(float) - The width of enemy box lines
    EnemyBoxOutlineColor(ARGB Color) - The color of the enemy box outline
    EnemyBoxOutlineWidth(float) - The width of enemy box outline
    EnemyHealthBarBackColor(ARGB Color) - The back color of the enemy healthbar
    EnemyHealthBarFrontColor(ARGB Color) - The front color of the enemy healthbar
    EnemyHealthBarOutlineColor(ARGB Color) - The color of the enemy healthbar outline
    EnemyHealthBarOutlineWidth(float) - the width of enemy healthbar outline
    EnemyHealthBarWidth(float) - the width of enemy healthbar
    EnemyNameOutlineTextColor(ARGB Color) - The color of the enemy name outline
    EnemyNameTextColor(ARGB Color) - The color of the enemy name
    EnemySnapLineColor(ARGB Color) - The color of the enemy snapline
    EnemySnapLineOutlineColor(ARGB Color) - The color of the enemy snapline outline
    EnemySnapLineOutlineWidth(float) - the width of enemy snapline outline
    EnemySnapLineWidth(float) - the width of enemy snapline
    FriendlyBoxColor(ARGB Color) - The color of the friendly box
    FriendlyBoxLineWidth(float) - the width of friendly box lines
    FriendlyBoxOutlineColor(ARGB Color) - The color of the friendly box outline
    FriendlyBoxOutlineWidth(float) - the width of friendly box outline
    FriendlyHealthBarBackColor(ARGB Color) - The back color of the friendly healthbar
    FriendlyHealthBarFrontColor(ARGB Color) - The front color of the friendly healthbar
    FriendlyHealthBarOutlineColor(ARGB Color) - The color of the friendly healthbar outline
    FriendlyHealthBarOutlineWidth(float) - the width of friendly healthbar outline
    FriendlyHealthBarWidth(float) - the width of friendly healthbar
    FriendlyNameOutlineTextColor(ARGB Color) - The color of the friendly name outline
    FriendlyNameTextColor(ARGB Color) - The color of the friendly name
    FriendlySnapLineColor(ARGB Color) - The color of the friendly snapline
    FriendlySnapLineOutlineColor(ARGB Color) - The color of the friendly snapline outline
    FriendlySnapLineOutlineWidth(float) - the width of friendly snapline outline
    FriendlySnapLineWidth(float) - the width of friendly snapline
    RecoilMarkerColor(ARGB Color) - The color of the recoil crosshair
    RecoilMarkerLineWidth(float) - the width of recoil crosshair lines
    RecoilMarkerOutlineColor(ARGB Color) - The color of the recoil crosshair outline
    RecoilMarkerOutlineWidth(float) - the width of recoil crosshair outline
    RecoilMarkerSize(float) - the size of the recoil crosshair
    RecoilMarkerType(1 = circle, or 2 = crosshair) - the type of recoil crosshair
    TargetEnemyBoxColor(ARGB Color) - The color of the currently targeted enemy box
    TargetEnemyBoxLineWidth(float) - the width of currently targeted enemy box lines
    TargetEnemyBoxOutlineColor(ARGB Color) - The color of the currently targeted enemy box outline
    TargetEnemyBoxOutlineWidth(float) - the width of currently targeted enemy box outline
    TargetEnemySnapLineColor(ARGB Color) - The color of the currently targeted enemy snapline
    TargetEnemySnapLineOutlineColor(ARGB Color) - The color of the currently targeted enemy snapline
    TargetEnemySnapLineOutlineWidth(float) - the width of currently targeted enemy snapline outline
    TargetEnemySnapLineWidth(float) - the width of currently targeted enemy snapline

    BhopSettings.Enabled(1 or 0) - Enable/disable bhop
    BhopSettings.ActivationKey(int) - VirtualKey code of button that activates the bhop
    Control+F1 to reload the settings
    Control+F2 to close the #
    1.) Make sure you have the correct offsets in your settings file and the path to the settings file is "C:\PP-Multi\Settings.txt". Make sure you do not include the extention ".txt" in the file name as the path would be "C:\PP-Multi\Settings.txt.txt".
    2.) Exit steam completely.
    3.) Start your injector.
    4.) Find/Open any 32-bit application that is not a steam process. Preferably an application that is not likely used by many people.
    5.) playerup the # into the 32-bit application.
    6.) Close injector.
    7.) Start steam/csgo
    8.) Enjoy
    Please keep in mind that this # uses line count to determine which string value setting is stored where in memory. If your process you injected into crashes, automatically assume if was the settings file. You do not need to worry about spaces after the equal sign or names before the equal sign, as they are removed programmatically.
    Turn on windows aero

    ESP supports full-screen windowed mode ONLY; The aimbot DOES NOT work on faceit.
    For a list of virtual-key codes, go here: http://cherrytree.at/misc/vk.htm
    Settings Format
    Offsets.m_iCompetitiveRanking = 0x00001A3C
    Offsets.m_iCompetitiveRanking = 0x00001A44
    Offsets.m_iKills = 0x00000BE8
    Offsets.m_iDeaths = 0x00000DF0
    Offsets.m_bHasDefuser = 0x000017B8
    Offsets.m_iPlayerC4 = 0x0000161C
    Offsets.CSPlayerResource = 0x02F063A4
    Offsets.m_dwViewMatrix = 0x04AB9BB4
    Offsets.m_dwEntityList = 0x04AC8014
    Offsets.m_dwLocalPlayer = 0x00AA5834
    Offsets.m_iHealth = 0x000000FC
    Offsets.m_vecOrigin = 0x00000134
    Offsets.m_iTeamNum = 0x000000F0
    Offsets.m_lifeState = 0x0000025B
    Offsets.m_fFlags = 0x00000100
    Offsets.m_dwBoneMatrix = 0x00002698
    Offsets.m_vecPunch = 0x0000301C
    Offsets.m_bDormant = 0x000000E9
    Offsets.m_dwClientState = 0x005C7524
    Offsets.m_dwLocalPlayerIndex = 0x00000178
    Offsets.m_iCrossHairID = 0x0000AA70
    Offsets.m_dwViewAngle = 0x00004D0C
    Offsets.m_iShotsFired = 0x0000A2C0
    Offsets.m_vecVelocity[0] = 0x00000110
    Offsets.m_vecViewOffset[0] = 0x00000104
    Offsets.m_dwRadarBase = 0x04EFCD2C
    Offsets.m_dwRadarBasePointer = 0x00000054
    Offsets.m_dwRadarName1 = 0x000001E0
    Offsets.m_dwRadarName2 = 0x00000024
    Offsets.m_EntitySize = 0x00000010
    AimbotSettings.Enabled = 1
    AimbotSettings.ActivationKey = 1
    AimbotSettings.EnableFire = 0
    AimbotSettings.EnableRandomPitchRecoilReductionFactor = 1
    AimbotSettings.EnableRandomYawRecoilReductionFactor = 1
    AimbotSettings.EnableTimeout = 1
    AimbotSettings.IgnoreShotCount = 1
    AimbotSettings.MaxRandomPitch = 2
    AimbotSettings.MaxRandomYaw = 1.8
    AimbotSettings.MinRandomPitch = 1.8
    AimbotSettings.MinRandomYaw = 2
    AimbotSettings.TargetJumpingPlayers = 1
    AimbotSettings.SmoothPercent = 95
    AimbotSettings.StaticPitch = 2
    AimbotSettings.StaticYaw = 2
    AimbotSettings.TargetBone = 6
    AimbotSettings.Timeout = 800
    EspSettings.Enabled = 1
    EspSettings.DrawEnemyBox = 1
    EspSettings.EnemyBoxColor = (255,000,255,000)
    EspSettings.EnemyBoxLineWidth = 1
    EspSettings.EnemyBoxOutlineColor = (255,000,000,000)
    EspSettings.EnemyBoxOutlineWidth = 1
    EspSettings.DrawFriendlyBox = 1
    EspSettings.FriendlyBoxColor = (255,000,255,255)
    EspSettings.FriendlyBoxLineWidth = 1
    EspSettings.FriendlyBoxOutlineColor = (255,000,000,000)
    EspSettings.FriendlyBoxOutlineWidth = 1
    EspSettings.DrawTargetBoxHighlight = 1
    EspSettings.TargetEnemyBoxColor = (255,255,255,255)
    EspSettings.TargetEnemyBoxLineWidth = 1
    EspSettings.TargetEnemyBoxOutlineColor = (255,000,000,000)
    EspSettings.TargetEnemyBoxOutlineWidth = 1
    EspSettings.DrawEnemySnapLines = 1
    EspSettings.EnemySnapLineColor = (255,000,255,000)
    EspSettings.EnemySnapLineOutlineColor = (255,000,000,000)
    EspSettings.EnemySnapLineOutlineWidth = 1
    EspSettings.EnemySnapLineWidth = 1
    EspSettings.DrawFriendlySnapLines = 1
    EspSettings.FriendlySnapLineColor = (255,000,255,255)
    EspSettings.FriendlySnapLineOutlineColor = (255,000,000,000)
    EspSettings.FriendlySnapLineOutlineWidth = 1
    EspSettings.FriendlySnapLineWidth = 1
    EspSettings.DrawTargetSnapLineHighlight = 1
    EspSettings.TargetEnemySnapLineColor = (255,255,255,255)
    EspSettings.TargetEnemySnapLineOutlineColor = (255,000,000,000)
    EspSettings.TargetEnemySnapLineOutlineWidth = 1
    EspSettings.TargetEnemySnapLineWidth = 1
    EspSettings.DrawEnemyHealthBar = 1
    EspSettings.EnemyHealthBarBackColor = (255,255,000,000)
    EspSettings.EnemyHealthBarFrontColor = (255,000,255,000)
    EspSettings.EnemyHealthBarOutlineColor = (255,000,000,000)
    EspSettings.EnemyHealthBarOutlineWidth = 1
    EspSettings.EnemyHealthBarWidth = 1
    EspSettings.DrawFriendlyHealthBar = 1
    EspSettings.FriendlyHealthBarBackColor = (255,255,000,000)
    EspSettings.FriendlyHealthBarFrontColor = (255,000,255,255)
    EspSettings.FriendlyHealthBarOutlineColor = (255,000,000,000)
    EspSettings.FriendlyHealthBarOutlineWidth = 1
    EspSettings.FriendlyHealthBarWidth = 1
    EspSettings.DrawEnemyNameText = 1
    EspSettings.DrawEnemyHealthText = 1
    EspSettings.DrawEnemyKillsText = 1
    EspSettings.DrawEnemyDeathsText = 1
    EspSettings.DrawEnemyKDRatioText = 1
    EspSettings.DrawEnemyRankText = 1
    EspSettings.DrawEnemyBombCarrierText = 1
    EspSettings.DrawEnemyDefuseKitCarrierText = 1
    EspSettings.EnemyInfoTextColor = (255,000,255,000)
    EspSettings.EnemyInfoTextOutlineColor = (255,000,000,000)
    EspSettings.DrawFriendlyNameText = 1
    EspSettings.DrawFriendlyHealthText = 1
    EspSettings.DrawFriendlyKillsText = 1
    EspSettings.DrawFriendlyDeathsText = 1
    EspSettings.DrawFriendlyKDRatioText = 1
    EspSettings.DrawFriendlyRankText = 1
    EspSettings.DrawFriendlyBombCarrierText = 1
    EspSettings.DrawFriendlyDefuseKitCarrierText = 1
    EspSettings.FriendlyInfoTextColor = (255,000,255,255)
    EspSettings.FriendlyInfoTextOutlineColor = (255,000,000,000)
    EspSettings.DrawEnemyTargetBoneMarker = 1
    EspSettings.EnemyTargetBoneMarkerColor = (255,000,255,000)
    EspSettings.EnemyTargetBoneMarkerLineWidth = 1
    EspSettings.EnemyTargetBoneMarkerSize = 15
    EspSettings.EnemyTargetBoneMarkerType = 2
    EspSettings.EnemyTargetBoneMarkerOutlineColor = (255,000,000,000)
    EspSettings.EnemyTargetBoneMarkerOutlineWidth = 1
    EspSettings.DrawFriendlyTargetBoneMarker = 1
    EspSettings.FriendlyTargetBoneMarkerColor = (255,000,255,255)
    EspSettings.FriendlyTargetBoneMarkerLineWidth = 1
    EspSettings.FriendlyTargetBoneMarkerSize = 15
    EspSettings.FriendlyTargetBoneMarkerType = 2
    EspSettings.FriendlyTargetBoneMarkerOutlineColor = (255,000,000,000)
    EspSettings.FriendlyTargetBoneMarkerOutlineWidth = 1
    EspSettings.DrawRecoilMarker = 1
    EspSettings.RecoilMarkerColor = (255,255,255,255)
    EspSettings.RecoilMarkerLineWidth = 1
    EspSettings.RecoilMarkerOutlineColor = (255,000,000,000)
    EspSettings.RecoilMarkerOutlineWidth = 1
    EspSettings.RecoilMarkerSize = 15
    EspSettings.RecoilMarkerType = 2
    TriggerbotSettings.Enabled = 1
    TriggerbotSettings.ActivationKey = 4
    TriggerbotSettings.EnableTimeout = 1
    TriggerbotSettings.EnableRecoilLimit = 1
    TriggerbotSettings.YawRecoilLimit = 0.1
    TriggerbotSettings.PitchRecoilLimit = 0.1
    TriggerbotSettings.FirstShotDelay = 1
    TriggerbotSettings.FollowUpDelay = 20
    TriggerbotSettings.Timeout = 1000
    BhopSettings.Enabled = 1
    BhopSettings.ActivationKey = 18
    ]EXTREME INJECTOR has been reported as causing UNTRUSTED BANS.
    You will have to manual update the offsets each time CSGO updates (if needed), via the settings file using a CSGO dumper. I will also post if i find the newest. Now for the minions, please do not close this thread for the following reason: DETECTED , OUTDATED, PATCHED. I will mention them when to do that because there are no reports for a while.

    There is one more thread that is marked as DETECTED, an old one. I uploaded the last version of the cheat and seems to be undetected. A reason why i posted this is because is still undetected since a really long time so you can profit $$​
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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