[Release] HENTAIWARE 11/07/2017 | LEGIT | RAGE | ESP | GLOVES | FACEIT |

Discussion in 'Hawk Freedom Squadron Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by certmemer, 7/12/17.

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  1. certmemer

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    There won't be any big updates until I'm done with my private.

    New signature, rcs bug fixed, minor chams fixes.
    No, your le vac error isn't caused by MY CHEAT. It's either your injector or someone in valve is retarded: playerup.com/r/GlobalOffensive/search?q=error&restrict_sr=on&sort=relevance&t=wee k Check it yourself. No, using extreme/gameowner doesn't help.

    [-]Supported anticheats:
    - VAC
    - MM (no untrusted)
    - FaceIT (serversided)

    Legit aimbot
    - On Key
    - FOV
    - Smooth
    - Hitscan
    - Faceit Mode
    - RCS
    - RCS Standalone
    - Randomisation
    - Weapon Configs
    - Autopistol

    - On Key
    - Delay
    - Smoke check

    Rage aimbot
    - On Key
    - Silent
    - FOV
    - Hitchance
    - Autostop
    - Bodyaim
    - Resolver
    - Hitscan
    - Multipoint
    - Antiaim
    - Autopistol

    - Box ESP
    - Health
    - Name/Weapon/Ammo
    - World ESP/Chams
    - Bomb Info
    - In-game Radar
    - Chams
    - Chams XQZ
    - Skeleton
    - Bullet Tracers
    - Head Dot
    - FOV
    - Viewmodel FOV
    - Hands

    - Bunnyhop
    - Legit autostrafer
    - Autoaccept (MM)
    - Grenade prediction (bad)
    - Spectator list
    - Spoof sv_cheats
    - No flash
    - Night mode
    - Edge jump
    - Remove scope
    - Target enemy / all switch

    - Gloves
    - Knife
    - Knife skin
    - Knife seed
    - Knife wear
    - Weapon skins
    - Weapon seed
    - Weapon wear


    *Config file is located at \My Documents\hentaiware

    Open csgo, use your preferred injector, playerup to csgo, close your injector(!) and press delete or insert.
    No, I don't know "a good injector", nor I'm going to link you one. Do some research.
    Epic gameowner usage video:
    Going to use Extreme Injector? Read this: http://www.playerup.com/forum/showthread...3#post12934793 Thanks to !

    [-]Virus scans

    Have fun!
    If you like my cheat, join hentaiware steam group or/and hit that thanks button.

    Downloadable Files
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