[Release] [Grimoire 3.5] Armor of Zular + Unseen Essence

Discussion in 'Mia Online Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by KekkeTex, 1/8/18.

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  1. KekkeTex

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    This bot is for those who don't like to hunt for the fragments, and/or want to farm Unseen essence for the merge shop.
    Change the skills to your class preferences
    Female version of the armor

    1. Armor of Zular

    Requires 8 Inventory space
    Recommended: level 20+ atleast
    This bot will do everything to unlock the merge shop.
    You can start this bot even if you made progress up to the potent mana quests. (after that just finish the quest yourself)
    • Finds all the fragments to recover the 5 weapons. (it will skip the weapons you already have in your inventory).
    • Fight the bosses in public rooms to collect potent mana.
    • Opens the gate
    • Collects 100 djinn's essence (and unseen essence)
    • Fights Gedoz

    2. Unseen Essence

    This will farm Unseen essence in djinngate. It will start stacking once you have 1000 essence.
    note: If you have both bots in the /grimoire 3.5/bots folder. Unseen essence will be automaticly loaded once you complete the first bot.

    Simplified bots. And improved the essence bot.

    Virus scans:
    Downloadable Files
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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