Fix DarkCrystal shard pick up This is an upgraded version of the previous bot released for Grimoire 3.2release (also a re-release for the 1.9version). I've fixed the cell jump issue as well as added the turn in for the quest. As the title implies, this is a bot for The assistant quest. The bot auto stacks the following; Tainted Gems Unidentified 13 Dark Crystal Shard Diamond of Nulgath Voucher of Nulgath (non-mem) It automatically sends ^^ these items to bank if already in inventory before turning the quest in so you don't have to worry about the item not dropping. Don't freak out I haven't been banned (yet) just using an alt to test newer bots. Still accepting the following: Treasure chest Nulgath's approval Requirements: Need to load Diamond shop (Shop ID: 456) and buy the Blood Cape once before starting the bot. If the item is already in your inventory, you have to sell it and then re-buy it. Need to have at least 100,000 gold (In order to buy the Blood Cape) And load the misc tab in your bank. These need to be done or the bot won't work. Note: With the implementation of the Gold is less than and greater than statement, the bot will auto matically stop once it falls below 100k gold and restart if above 100k respectively. Virus scans: Virus Total Jotti's Malware Scan