[Release] [Grimoire 3.3] Tainted Gem, Efficiency over speed + Stacking - Bone Dust Reagent

Discussion in 'Mia Online Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by localdemon, 11/20/17.

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  1. localdemon

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    It's as the title implies, this is yet another Tainted Gem farming bot, but handled differently

    I'd love to say i know how to use all of the advanced functions that Grimoire has currently, but i don't. In fact i probably only have a little more than basic understanding of how all the functions work.

    This is still my attempt at making a bot that strives for efficiency in it's objective, over speed. Considering i have absolutely abysmal internet speed, with my download being a very unsteady 0.5 - 10 mbps and equally as unsteady upload of 0.1 - 0.7 mbps.

    You can most definitely expect that my bots have gone through thorough testing, and work on a significantly terrible connection.

    Now that, that bit is over with:

    The bot farms Bone Dust and turns it in, as well as picks up undead energy and energy of death because why not (removable via whitelist), while cell jumping in a non glitched room, in order to be less stress on internet connection (so i do not suggest using a glitched room). It also stacks Tainted Gems pretty efficiently.

    I suggest using Auto Relogin set to Twilly, 20,000ms relogin delay, using Infinite Attack Range, Lag Killer, and Remove Players (mostly to reduce lag on relogin)

    It's currently using Blaze Binder Skills.

    Do not forget to open your Bank and open Miscellanious, and move Tainted Gem to your Bank, other wise it won't stack Tainted Gem.

    VIRUS SCANS, make sure to remove the spaces as i haven't posted 10 times yet.

    https ://www . virustotal . com /#/file/392cb1d962b803ad2d38f1f8f6c61fc7bb7e3e5442f726551c 220cb45b407ff6/detection

    https :// virusscan . jotti . org /en-US/filescanjob/k5yjd7vw7c

    VERY SORRY, completely uploaded the wrong file, this is the fixed version. My Bad, literally the exact same, with some command fuctions changed, in order to Stack Tainted Gems properly, with Screenshot to prove

    - - - Updated - - -
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