[Release] Grimoire 3.0 [AQW - AQW Test Version - Soon Augoeides]

Discussion in 'Mia Online Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Biney, 6/19/17.

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  1. Biney

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    The rewritten version of Grimoire is here. On the surface, not much has changed. However, you will feel the difference when playing. Many things have been improved.
    I have forgotten to implement several prior suggestions - if you suggested something earlier and you do not find it in the application, suggest it again.

    For those that care, I strongly encourage you to read the entire thread, or at least the important parts of it (marked with the color red).

    I also have to apologize to those who were curious about the "fully automatic bot generator" feature, it's going to be delayed.



    Grimoire 1.1
    - Fixed critical issue with joining maps
    - Fixed critical issue with resting while in combat
    - Added a 'Send' button to the packet spammer window, used send the packet in the textbox once
    - The design window can now be used

    Grimoire 1.2

    - Updated UI slightly
    - Improved map load complete check (it is now seemingly bulletproof)
    - Fixed a mistake in the loading of a bot file
    - Fixed a mistake in checking temp items
    - Fixed a mistake in checking bank items
    - Added a function to use skill X only when health is less than Y% (Called safe skill in the bot)
    - Added a check that will cancel the current target if the current target is yourself
    - Added a checkbox to the item whitelist. It allows you to configure whether the items in the whitelist should be picked up or not.
    - Added a "Kill for items/temp items" function
    - Streamlined the skill delay function. You can now set the skill delay to a minimum of 100 milliseconds, without problems.
    - Added party/friend bot (Read the text file in the .zip before using!)
    - Grabbers are now usable

    Grimoire 1.2.1

    - Fixed a critical error in the detection of monsters when killing for items/temp items

    Grimoire 1.3

    - Added configurable hotkeys. Hotkeys can also be saved and will be loaded when Grimoire is launched.
    - Added function that enchants your currently equipped items with the specified enchantment. Level 51-65 only at this time.
    - A help document explaining some of the more unusual functions is now included in the download
    - The minimum value for the bot delay is now 500 (not recommended to decrease if your bot contains Join commands)
    - Added a function that ensures the player is out of combat before joining a map
    - Added fast travels
    - Fixed critical bug where parts of the game would break if the player logs out
    - Fixed error that occurs when the Debug (and possibly others) window is opened
    - Fixed duplicate window bug
    - Fixed issue with "Exit cell before completing quest" function
    - Improved the performance a bit, the game now runs faster

    Grimoire 1.4

    - Fixed critical bug where drop names containing an apostrophe would be incorrectly handled, resulting in the bot rejecting the item
    - Fullscreen has been enabled in the application
    - Added "Auto bots" tab in the Bot window. (Only 2 bots at this time, I had to rush this release because of the critical bug)
    - Fixed a minor bug in the "Kill for" function

    Grimoire 1.5

    - Added "Get all drops" option
    - Added "Reject all drops" option
    - Fixed critical calculation error when minimizing the application
    - Added "Saved bots" tab in the Bot window (searches for .gbot files and displays them in a list box. Also searches all sub-directories)
    - Modified the UI behavior when opening/closing windows
    - Added manual input for login information so that you can run several Grimoire instances at once with different accounts
    - Added armor customizer in Loaders
    - Added armor customizer action in Hotkeys
    - Added map load timeout. If the map has been loading for 60 seconds and isn't finished, it will be reloaded.
    - Added "Set spawn point" option
    - Fixed minor error in the processing of quests
    - Added new bot command: "Accept quest"
    - Added new bot command: Buy back (PLEASE READ THE HELP FILE!)

    Grimoire 1.6

    - Added option to load the test version of AQW

    Grimoire 1.7

    - Fixed autobots bug where all commands would be "Unknown"
    - Added checks to make sure that bank items are always loaded when using bank commands
    - Login information for the buy back command is no longer saved in bot files
    - .dmbot compatibility; you can now load .dmbot files into Grimoire
    - The bot can now pick up drops on the AQW test servers
    - Auto relogin failure detection (read help.txt, this function is very useful)
    - Auto relogin delay
    - Auto relogin cmd delay
    - The bot will no longer attempt to use a skill when you do not have enough mana
    - Added option to complete quests with an item id (where you select a reward, like Voucher Item for instance)
    - Grimoire can now be minimized to system tray

    Grimoire 1.8

    - New command: goto
    - Option to automatically restart bot if player goes afk when the bot is running
    - Fixed disconnection bug when loading quests
    - Added option to merge bots
    - New "If..." command: "Player is in room"
    - New "If..." command: "Player is not in room"
    - Lag killer and remove players options are temporarily disabled when relogging to avoid potential problems
    - Added option to skip bot delay for "If..." and "Index up/down" commands
    - New command: change bot delay (changes bot delay while the bot is running)
    - Fixed certain errors when loading/saving bots
    - Fixed "Skip Cutscene" option not working at all
    - Fixed some bugs with using skills
    - Resolved minor issues with certain item names
    - Resolved minor issues with "greater than/less than" if statements

    Grimoire 1.8.1

    - Fixed quest completion bug

    Grimoire 1.8.2

    - Fixed another quest completion bug
    - Fixed error that prevented the AQW test version from loading

    Grimoire 1.9

    - Added new if statements: "If number of monsters in cell is greater/less than"
    - Added option to hide password when configuring the buy back command
    - Added hotkey option: minimize Grimoire to system tray
    - Quests where rewards are selected (such as Voucher Item) can now be added to the quest list for automatic completion
    - Fixed critical bug where the bot wouldn't stop when disabling it
    - Added option to save/load .xml files in the packet spammer

    Grimoire 3.0

    - The bot has been completely rewritten, severe bugs have been fixed including random crashes and disconnects.
    - Added a timeout mechanism for bot commands, ensuring the bot does not get stuck
    - Added possibility to specify an author and description for bots
    - Improved the way saved bots are displayed
    - Added option to kill random monster for items
    - Added rest command that only executes if your HP is less than X%
    - Added option to wait for all skills to cool down before attacking
    - Added walk command
    - The goto command now checks whether the player is in the same map or not before executing
    - Added possibility to disable bot delay (further explained below)
    - New if statements: "Level is less than", "Level is greater than", "Level is", "Gold is less than", "Gold is greater than"
    - Improved .dmbot conversion, you no longer need to click a "small, gray, textless button"
    - Added bot statistics
    - Added option to automatically clear the debug output upon reaching 500 lines
    - The skip cutscene option no longer disables lag killer
    - Added attack bot option (slightly different than what you are used to)
    - Added option to play a sound when one of the specified items are picked up by the bot
    - Added possibility to add custom fast travels

    Random, unexplainable bugs and disconnections

    Disabling the bot delay, command timeout mechanism

    Loading .gbot files

    Hotkeys and autobots

    Bot statistics

    Things to be added

    I think that was it. I always forget something though, so it would probably be wise to check the thread every once in a while.


    Downloadable Files
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