Well, the server rewrite is near so I thought I should make the perfect Quest Mission Sprocket Bot. Just load this into Grimoire 1.8.2 ( I tried it with 3.3 but it keeps crashing/disconnecting. idk why. ) and click Start. So, the FAQ is that what do you get with 150 Quest Mission Sprocket? You get a free bank pet named "Sir Ver Bank Pet." If it crashes or disconnects you, just turn on the "Auto-Relogin" option. Also, the command to join map is public. If you wish to remain secret, just change cornelis, Side2, Left to cornelis-whatevernumber, Side2, Left from the Map option at Bot Manager. Virus Scan: https://virusscan.jotti.org/en-GB/fi...job/q8zqjlil8r Report back for bugs. Thanks. EDIT: Kindly, turn off Restart Bot if Character goes AFK in Misc options at Bot Manager. This might fix the disconnection bug. .