[Release] GobbleGum utility. V1.3

Discussion in 'Super Gundam Royale Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by luckymat2, 12/16/16.

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  1. luckymat2

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    Updated GobbleGum for Version 81 Update 18 of BlackOps III

    Run BlackOps3
    Select Zombies from main menu.
    Run GobbleGum.
    You can load in a configuration if you have one.
    Select Gum to replace.
    Hit replace Button.
    Save config if you want
    when you have replaced all the gum you want, exit program.
    Play zombies!

    Note. This was going to be V1.2 However because of the recent patch to BO3 I decided to fix the offsets and release it as 1.3.
    What was going to be V1.2 will become V1.4 and will include diagnostic information for those that it doesn't work for.

    Change log.
    Added "Load as" and "Save to", for people who wanted different layouts for different map.
    (note. as before the quick Save and Load default to what ever directory the exe is in so make sure you put the exe somewhere writable.)

    Virus Scans.
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