[Release] Feed the Fiend Tokens Bot (MEM ONLY)

Discussion in 'Mia Online Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by xXMariakiMXx, 10/18/16.

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  1. xXMariakiMXx

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    I've decided to make and upload a new bot to playerup (since i don't have the "archfiend" class, I wanted to make this bot), which is the Feed the fiend tokens bot.

    As the title states you need to be member to do this quest, and to access a specific place.

    Before you start this bot, make sure that you have AT LEAST 20-30 (less, if lucky with the drops)"diamonds of Nulgath", AND to complete quests in "Battleunderd" and "Dreammaze"!! If you don't have the diamonds, then you should find a nulgath (larvae) or a different type of bot in which you can get diamonds of nulgath!!

    This bot will automatically pick up the necessary quest items and decline other items that has nothing to do with the quest! Make sure to enable "enemy magnet" to get as less "out of range" warnings as possible.

    Yes i do realize that i have really "long" delays and bot speed, but that was necessary due to how the bot works (you can change it if you want)
    MAKE sure to use a class that can heal you (because of screamfeeder) and attacks only 1 enemy. I suggest a class like "ultra omniknight"(and use the first two skills if you decide to use ultra omni).


    I made this bot for Cetera Revision 5.8 (but if necessary I can make this bot for Le bot and Carbon).

    Bugs:Currently none, but if something goes wrong make sure to post it here!!
    If you get a crash to a white screen while using Cetera, it's probably because you haven't completed the quest in "dreammaze".

    IF the bot skips over a command either post it here so i know OR adjust the "delay" yourself!!



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