[Release] EXALTED* Legion Champion - Legion Token Farm - No Stacking

Discussion in 'Mia Online Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by localdemon, 11/24/17.

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  1. localdemon

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    Again, It's as the title implies, I figured I would clean up a very old bot i had from like 2015, but with my newfound knowledge with Grimoire.

    It Farm's 13 Undead Head's from the Angry Undead Giant, then goes to Undead Champion, gets the 13 Champion Head's, then moves to another cell, to hand in one of the turn ins to prevent input lag and disconnections, then goes back to Undead Champion and farms him until all 13 Undead Heads are depleted, then refarms them and continues again from Undead Champion til they are depleted.

    It's a very minimalistic bot, and can be easily changed to go to a public room but that's not recommended as Exalted/High Champion is still a highly popular botting quest and many forum users, reddit users, bot hunters, etc. use this area to /report.

    I used Void HighLord, so unless you have the class, i recommend you change the skills to something that can solo well, or do more damage to undead, like Archpaladin.

    Sorry it's really late and very close to the black friday event, but i had a busy past few days and was unable to do anything but work, sleep, and occasionally try out new bots, or old bots I made.

    Good Luck farming for Legion Token's for the new Black Friday Items! /gewd /baba

    I should also mention it farms about 100-200 Legion Tokens per Hour, to an Hour and a half. Not very fast, but still faster than most non-member, non-paragon-pet quests I've seen, with Lack of Four-Sight being around 50-70 per hour, and Dreadrock being 60-80 per hour.




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