[Release] || ENZINE FREE || UNDETECTED | 12/31/17 | Pasted Cheat | Good For Backtrackng | V1.7

Discussion in 'Hawk Freedom Squadron Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by lastfalki, 12/31/17.

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  1. lastfalki

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    Hi guys, this is my first csgo release... which is a paste =/
    (1.2) fixed issue where backtrack doesnt work
    (1.3) backtracking made more legit
    (1.4) csgo crashes when enabling some esp and misc settings
    (1.5) fixed issue where some features aren't working (when enabled)
    (1.6) nothing new just bug fixes
    (1.7) game crashing when enabling esp NOT FIXED (dont enable all esp features at once,or try just enabling esp nothing else)
    -Bug fixes,FPS DROPS fix,changed font of the menu to 0.04

    (2.0) full christmas update! tons of features,no crashes,updated menu and more ;)

    Thanks to BigSh0y and EnzineCSGO for making the original. this is just my own paste aok
    Features :

    - pistols use psilent
    - snipers use aimbot
    - everything else uses rcs + aim
    - sniper aimspot is pelvis
    - everything else is head

    - triggerkey is alt
    - static delay of 100ms

    - allows you to shoot the enemy at their previous position

    Backtrack indicator
    - shows the ticks of the enemys previous position you can hit

    - glow
    - skeleton
    - health

    - jumps as soon as you hit the ground

    Recoil Crosshair
    - a crosshair that shows the recoil position


    menu: [​IMG]

    Types of BANS

    VAC Ban - It scanned your computer's memory and found a [Detected] # running on your computer. The # you used is indeed [Detected].

    Permanently Untrusted Ban - Scanned actions from aim #/triggerbot/recoil. The # you used is NOT [Detected] But the injector also can be detected.

    Overwatch Ban - Anti-Cheating Valve Investigators watched you playing and deemed you to be # on your account. The # you used is NOT [Detected].


    Downloadable Files
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