[Release] DragonFable SWF Trainer

Discussion in 'King Of Hunters Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Anon7991, 1/8/18.

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  1. Anon7991

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    This is quite possibly one of the first & oldest DragonFable Trainers out there. (Literally, it dates back to early 2007). If some of you guys were around when the CEF was up then you're probably familiar with this trainer if you have a good memory. When the CEF died, as so did this trainer however I managed to keep a hold of this trainer since and now I'm sharing it with the community (or what's left of it lol) to try it out. Some features such as the loaders within the trainer may feel outdated and there are better trainers out there if I’m being honest, which is normal since the trainer was made like over 10 years ago. It is very much viable to use today and I've added in some cool SWFs such as the Teleport #/Spider's merge shop lifter/Updated Quest reward cycler and much more... it’s a simple trainer, easy to use, and still works to this day.

    >Fully customizable SWF loader
    >Updated SWFs
    NOTE: When you run the trainer you will see a red screen, to fix this you MUST double click on the "!FIX RED SCREEN!.swf" (it's the first one on the SWF list)

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    @Silent approve plz!

    The trainer and hacks within the trainer are not made by me. Credit goes out to the people who made it.
    B̶a̶t̶t̶l̶e̶ # on!
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